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Hypersonic flight – Conference on the SCRAMSPACE project

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is pleased to invite you to attend the conference entitled :

“SCRAMSPACE: Scramjet for Access to Space Flight Experiment”

by Dr. Eng. Sandy Tirtey (AIMs) on Monday, March 17th 2014, 2 PM
Auditorium 11, Faculty of Engineering, Rue de Houdain, 9 – 7000 Mons


“SCRAMSPACE is the first and largest project funded by the Australian Space Research Program. It builds on Australia’s world-class hypersonics heritage, and its core objective is to build capacity and capability, in particular a talent pool, for the Australian space and aerospace industry.

This is achieved partly by means of the Mach 8 flight experiment, for which a team of exceptional young scientists and engineers has been assembled, and partly through extensive ground-based research involving many PhD students at UQ and partner universities.”

More details about the project on the website of University of Queensland.

After the conference, Dr. Tirtey will be happy to discuss with students about student exchange programs that could be organized for them.